If you can not connect
Here are a few things you can try if you are unable to connect to your project folder. You can of course always contact us, but please check below if there is anything that seems to apply. Let us know if you tried any of the suggestions below.
Here is some general information that may be good to include when you contact us in case of connection issues.
- The project folders require Lucat and that the Lucat service is functional. Sometimes planned maintenance at LU may result in Lucat temporarily being unavailable.
- Is it possible to log in to other LU services using Lucat? If not, it may mean your project folder is also temporarily unreachable.
- Also refer to the IT Operational Information in the links below, in case of ongoing maintenance or incidents if you can not reach us.
- For those with multiple project folders: Is it possible to connect to any of them?
- Knowing this may help us troubleshoot or rule out configuration issues.
- For those with storage at LU outside of the Humanities Lab (excluding LU Box): Is it possible to connect to other research folders? E.g. if you have set up a research folder with HT.
- It may help to know when we report possible issues with our storage solution, since there are several storage solutions at LU separated from each other.
- Please check your password. (Thank you in advance! :-))
- IT-service operational information, HT Intranet: https://internt.ht.lu.se/en/allm/fak/it/operational-information/
- IT-service operational information, LU Service Desk: https://luservicedesk.service-now.com/support_en
Humanities Lab premises
Note that the following rooms do not require the “Connect to project folder” script:
- SOL:B055 (Multi-user eye tracking, a.k.a. the “Digital Classroom”)
- SOL:B069 (a.k.a. the “prep room”)
You can connect as if you were outside the lab, but please read the instructions in the section "Connect from B055, B069, or a shared Windows computer”, to ensure you use your own Lucat credentials when connecting.
- Turn VPN off then on again. Sometimes VPN silently disconnects even though it seems to be connected.
- If you use macOS built-in VPN client (L2TP over IPSec): Ensure all traffic is using the VPN connection.
- Turn off VPN.
- Go to System settings.
- Click VPN.
- Click the small “(!)” icon for the relevant VPN configuration.
- Click "Options".
- Enable “Send all traffic over VPN connection”.
- Infix the address with “*:*@”,e.g. "smb://*:*@uw.lu.se/group/humlab/projects/1234-01".
- This forces a login window to pop up where you can provide Lucat username and password.
- macOS stores earlier login attempts or may try to log in with the current computer user.
- If the login fails and you want to retry (e.g. incorrect password or an error stating that you do not have access):
- Close the login window and restart.
- Do not edit your user name or password in the existing login window.
- User names must follow one of the patterns:
- "aaaa-bbb", "ab1234cd", or "ab1234cd-s".
- Do not add the suffix "@lu.se".
- Did you prefix your Lucat ID with “uw\”?
- E.g. “uw\abcd-efg”, “uw\ab1234cd”, or “uw\ab1234cd-s”.
- If you use a shared Windows computer:
- Ensure you use the instructions under “Connect from B055, B069, or a shared Windows computer”