
Communication Officer, Administrator
- Lund University Humanities Lab
Contact information
E-mail anna.bladerhumlab.luse
Phone +46 46 222 30 91
Mobile +46 72 141 77 42
Room SOL:L410
Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund
Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 20
Administrator and Communications Officer for Huminfra, a Swedish national infrastructure for research in the Humanities.
I assist the Operative Management Team in administrative issues. I also work practically and strategically with communication. This includes the internal communication within Huminfra’s 12 nodes, as well as the external communication – producing strategic documents, newsletters, and printed materials as well as administering social media accounts and outreach events etc.

Communication Officer, Administrator
- Lund University Humanities Lab
Contact information
E-mail anna.bladerhumlab.luse
Phone +46 46 222 30 91
Mobile +46 72 141 77 42
Room SOL:L410
Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund
Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 20