User info

The Humanities lab is equipped with several state-of-the-art eye trackers, suitable for a wide range of experiments.

There are two ways to start conducting eye-tracking studies in the lab. The first and most common approach is to take the courses offered at our lab, such as experimental design, statistics, programming, and of course eye-tracking, and thus become competent enough to direct your own experiments. The second approach is to collaborate with other people who already know how to conduct experiment with the eye-tracking equipment in the lab. Use the adress below to contact us. Regardless of your approach, a formal project application is required of each project.

Read more about the courses offered in the lab.

Make a project application.

Contact: eyetrackinghumlab.luse

Cleaning instructions

Clean the keyboard, mouse and table with disinfectant after each recording or use of a computer. If used, also clean chin-, and forehead rests. Never, under no circumstances, clean the eye tracker.

Page Manager: Maja.Peterssonhumlab.luse | 2023-06-27