Group tutorials at the Humanities Lab
Published 6 March 2019
Upcoming group tutorials at the Humanities Lab. To register send a mail to the person indicated in brackets at least a week before the event.
• Introduction to the Lab (<link mail window for sending> No fixed date, on demand.
• PsychoPy (<link mail window for sending> 13 March, 13-16, B054
• R: non-statistical uses (<link mail window for sending> 9 April, 13-15, A116 (Betalabbet)
• RTK GPS and data georeferencing (<link mail window for sending> 11 April, 10-12, Mocap studio
• Recording video (<link mail window for sending> 24 April, 09.15-12.15, LARM studio
• 3D scanning (<link mail window for sending> 10 May, 9-12, A116 (Betalabbet)
Information on the content of the tutorial <link https: en education group-tutorials external-link-new-window external link in new>here.
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