On 6-7 April, 2017 Lund University Humanities Lab and the Centre for Languages and Literature host an international workshop for junior scholars and PhD students working on second language acquisition in a study abroad perspective. Scholars from 18 countries participate in the workshop in hands-on tutorials on experimental design, data collection, and analysis.
Plenary speakers:
Dr Emma Marsden, Univerity of York
Dr Joost van de Weijer, Lund University
Tutors: Dr Victoria Johansson, Dr Frida Splendido, Dr Johan Frid, Peter Roslund
Organisers: Jonas Granfeldt & Marianne Gullberg (Lund University)
More information <link http: projekt.ht.lu.se cost-sarep>here. Poster <link file:9331>here (pdf).
COST action workshop
Published 7 April 2017

Methods and measures of input and second language proficiency/development