News and events 2021 #1
News and events 2021 #1
Welcome to Lund University Humanities Lab!
This is the first newsletter during 2021 addressed to all new and existing users of the Lab. At the beginning of the new semester, we would like to provide all users, new and old, with updated information regarding our guidelines and routines.
But first:
What have you been up to in the Lab? Tell us about your fun findings, experiments and if some of it got all the way to a publication! For our Annual report for 2020, we would like to know more about your projects, small or big, and perhaps highlight some of it in the documentation of activities we do every year. All previous Annual Reports can be found here. Please send a short paragraph to Deputy Director Victoria Johansson.
Lab activities during the Covid-19 pandemic
Some of our facilities are open for experimental use (i.e. pilots or single experiments with no participants) under strict safety protocols:
@SOL, the Digital Classroom, Studio 1 and 2, and @LUX the Mocap studio. For each facility, there is a maximum number of people. Information on that is found here and in the rooms. In the rooms are also specific instructions for disinfection of equipment in each facility.
Importantly, ALL users, new and old, must contact user_agreementshumlab.luse before undertaking any activities. All users must also follow the strict participant protocol to guarantee the safety of experimenters and participants alike.
This information can be changed with short notice.
For any questions, contact user_agreementshumlab.luse.
Pedagogical activities spring 2021
In the spring semester 2021, the Humanities Lab offers the courses and tutorials listed below.
In order to comply with the current governmental recommendations for physical distancing, all activities will take place online.
Lab members will also be available for consultation.
As usual, students, teachers and researchers are welcome to join both the courses and the tutorials.
The dates of all activities and the contact person are listed below. To register send a mail to the contact person. The link to the meeting will be sent directly to the registered participants.
The content of each course/tutorial is described on the corresponding menu on the left.
- Functional and structural brain imaging. Johan Mårtensson, starting 5 April
- Programming for the Behavioral Sciences. Marcus Nystrom, starting 30 March
- Statistics II. Joost van de Weijer, starting 27 January
On request
- Audio & Video Recording (LARM Studio): Editing videos in Adobe Premiere. Peter Roslund
- Motion capture system. Henrik Garde
- Virtual lab tour. Maria Graziano
Set dates
- Elan. Maria Graziano, 12 March, 10-12
- Doing data analysis with R: an introduction. Joost van de Weijer, 26 March, 10-12
- Practical text mining. Johan Frid, 1 March, 10-12
- PychoPy, Marcus Nystrom & Henrik Garde
- Introduction to tools for running online experiments, March 2, 13-1
- Hands-on work with PsychoPy for online experiments, March 16, 13-15
So, what has our staff been up to during the pandemic?
Well, building a new type of eyetracker and publishing articles, for example!

During 2020, Marcus Nyström and Diederick C Niehorster developed FLEX, a custom built, flexible eye tracker. This new eye tracker is in contrast to other eye trackers in the lab fully open source, and developed to be able to answer questions about eye movements and eye trackers that commercial, ‘black box’ setups cannot. This is a collaboration with Ignace Hooge and Roy Hessels (Experimental Psychology, Helmholtz Institute, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands).
New publication!
Four lab members (Kate Mesh, Joost van de Weijer, Niclas Burenhult & Marianne Gullberg), are involved in the article "Effects of Scale on Multimodal Deixis: Evidence From Quiahije Chatino" written together with Emiliana Cruz (Department of Anthropology, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS-CDMX), Mexico City, Mexico)
AAs humans interact in the world, we often orient one another's attention to the spaces around us. We do this using speech and/or gestures: both signals function to point, and they are used together more often than alone. This case study investigates how members of one indigenous Chatino community in Oaxaca, Mexico, combine speech and gesture for direction-giving while they navigate a mountainous terrain. We show that people use gestures and speech to direct attention in different ways, and that they coordinate these signals differently, as the scale of the ’search space’ for their targets grows larger. Importantly, we find that gestures play a central role in the direction-giving signal when the target is far from the speech site.
The full article can be found in Frontiers in Psychology.
And on the subject of publications...
Please remember that all project managers are responsible for thanking Humanities Lab at any publication or other scientific output with the following formulation: “The author(s) gratefully acknowledge(s) Lund University Humanities Lab” and for tagging any publication or output in the LUCRIS database with the Humanities Lab under the tab Infrastructure.
Project management
An approved project application is a prerequisite for all users who wish to use the rooms and equipment in the Humanities Lab. Even if you are a previous user, you need to make a new application for every project. Instructions for the project application procedure can be found here.
Remember that you, according to the application procedure, must contact relevant staff members before making the project application.
What is a project? The projects in the Lab are of different nature, but the rule is that the Lab manages users and activities through projects. A project can run for several years, or just consist of one single recording in the LARM studio. Thus, Lab projects can be concerned with everything from a long-term experimental data collection to using software for video editing. A project can also consist of lengthy or consecutive consultations with our experts. Also, note that for a student project (on BA or MA level), the principal investigator always has to be one of the responsible supervisor.
If an ongoing project needs to be prolonged, or updated with new members etc., this is done by contacting Martina Holmgren.
If your project is completed, please write a small paragraph about possible findings and send it to Deputy Director Victoria Johansson.
Questions about project management can be directed to the lab manager.
Finished a project? Or not?
We want to keep the record of active lab users up to date. To ensure that you have continuous access to the Lab, don’t forget to extend a project if needed. Do this by emailing Martina Holmgren.
For equipment-related questions, use the function address indicated on the facilities page.
For administrative questions, contact our administrative staff.
If you have questions for the steering committee, contact maja.peterssonhumlab.luse.
Do you want to unsubscribe from these newsletters? Contact Martina Holmgren.