LU Humanities Lab, June 2022
Welcome to Lund University Humanities Lab
This is a newsletter addressed to all new and existing users of the Lab. Scroll down to the bottom and click on web version to read the newletter in your browser.

Summertime in the Lab!

It's summertime! Maybe you are going all in on the strawberries, wild swimming and will spend all days in the hammock/on the beach/under a tree? No? Ok, maybe you will hang out in the lab? If so, here are some things that are good to know:
- Activities in the Lab are a bit more slow during June, July and August. The buildings SOL and LUX have special opening hours, so you might need to use your card + pin code to get in. If you have experimental activities with participants, please escort them in and out of the lab. When exiting the lab, use the push button next to the door to unlock. DO NOT pull the emergency handle if it is not an actual emergency! You will notice if you happen to do this, as the alarm goes off and makes a (not) so lovely sound for everyone within earshot.
- Please also make sure to add contact information (namn, email and project ID) when you book lab facilities. You know, so people can get in touch with you when you have forgotten that planned experiment and they are wondering where you are. Or something like that. We are all a bit obliviuos during summer.
So.... thats all the formal admin stuff we had!
Now for the fun part: we would like to present some new and maybe inspirational projects that has taken place in the lab during spring! Plus: if you would like to be a part of our cool crew, we are hiring: 4 positions are open for application! Scroll down for more info.
We wish all users (the best lab users!) a lovely and rejuvenating summer, and are looking forward to all the new exciting projects you are planning to do!
Creating datasets for developing positioning algorithms in the Mocap studio

Between May 5 and 9, researchers from the departments of Electrical and Information Technology (EIT), Computer Science and Automatic Control and Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Lund University conducted an extensive measurement campaign in Lund University Humanities Lab's motion capture studio.
The measurement campaign was carried out to create a dataset that combines different sensors in the given environment to accurately position devices (~cm) in real-time. A robot was equipped with a camera, a speaker, and a radio user equipment (which can transmit and receive signals from the EIT department's own massive MIMO base station, LuMaMi) and programmed to move in different trajectories.
The dataset will be used to develop hardware friendly positioning algorithms that fuses the information from vision, audio, and wireless sensors. The motion capture system is used to track the robot and the equipment on top, which will be used to verify the results obtained by the new positioning algorithms.
Overall, the dataset will contribute to in depth understanding and further development of AI/Machine learning and 6G applications.
More info and contributors can be found here.
Measuring eye movements of choir singers in the digital classroom

How do choir singers read partiture?
A partiture is a full musical score containing all parts in a musical composition on separate lines. In her doctoral thesis, Maria Timoshenko from the Swedish Royal College of Music investigates visual strategies of experienced choir singers reading partiture. By measuring eye movements of a quartet singing "a vista" (without having seen the score before) she can figure out exactly where, and in which order, the singers look.
During the spring, measurements have been made and data collected with the help of LU Humanities Lab eye-tracking experts and equipment in our digital classroom.
The project is expected to add valuable new knowledge about choir singing expertise and partiture reading.
Read more about the project here and look at a video on youtube of the experiment here.
We're hiring!
The Humanities Lab is currently recruiting! Available positions are listed below. Come join us!
- System developer with a focus on web interfaces and applications
- Postdoctoral position in 3D data and Virtual Reality (placement at the Division of Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, Faculty of Engineering, with 50% of work located at the Humanities Lab)
- Administrator (Advertisement in Swedish)
- Communicator (Advertisement in Swedish
And if you are on LinkedIn- so are we!
We have different ways of communicating with you- newsletter, webpage, Facebook, Twitter and now feel welcome to follow us on LinkedIn!
Please contact Administrative coordinator Maja Petersson or Deputy director Frida Splendido.
Welcome back! We are looking forward to seeing you again!