AI challenges research in the Humanities
How can researchers in the Humanities meet the challenges posed by ChatGPT and other applications of generative AI? This was the theme of Huminfra's first webinar for which over 100 participants…

New grant from RJ to the project TEAM!
Transdisciplinary Approaches to Learning, Acquisition, Multilingualism (TEAM) 2024-2029 (Marianne Gullberg, Jonas Granfeldt) has received a project grant from the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary…

Artistic project collaboration in the anechoic chamber!
Tim Bishop and Hedvig Beke recently finished an artistic project in the Lab. Set in the anechoic chamber, Inside was a one-to-one immersive sound and VR 180 installation exploring the experience of…

Johan Frid får Steven Krauwer-priset!
Går det att mäta tungans rörelse medan man talar? Och vilka ord tittar man egentligen på när man skriver? Det är några frågor som Johan Frid, forskare vid Lunds universitets Humanistlaboratorium,…

New book: Capturing the Senses
Lab member Giacomo Landeschi co-edited a new open access book: "Capturing the Senses: Digital Methods for Sensory Archaeologies"!

The Annual Report 2021-2022 has arrived!
All about exiting user projects, technology and method development during the last two years!

New article out on structural collocation analysis
Why was the British Parliament so late in broadcasting its debates? Scholars have made recommendations on parliamentary communication, analysed its effects, and described the debates and arguments on…

New publication about keystroke logging and eyetracking in combination!
Capturing writers’ typing while visually attending the emerging text: a methodological approach

New publication out! How can you point with your chin while also avoiding the other's gaze?
Pointing with the chin is a practice attested worldwide. For the chin point to work, the addressee must attend to the speaker's head. This demand comes into conflict with the politeness norms of many…

New paper on code-switching!
Code-switching, or the use of two languages within a single coherent utterance, is a hallmark of bilingual language use. It also sheds light on the workings of the bilingual language system, providing…

Job alert!
Postdoctoral position in Electroencephalography (EEG)

New publication by Henriette Arndt!
Construction and validation of a questionnaire to study engagement in informal second language learning

New web platform enables easier access to research methods in digital and experimental Humanities
The research infrastructure Huminfra, led by Lund University Humanities Lab and financed by the Swedish Research Council, is now taking physical form through the web-based information platform…

Artikel om samarbetet med Riksteatern Crea på lu.se!
Avatar tecknar live från teaterscen i unikt projekt

Collaboration with Riktsteatern Crea
See the sneak preview of "The Ghost of Canterville"!

New grant from RJ!
Joost van de Weijer (LU Humanities Lab) and Roberta Colonna Dahlman (Italian Studies, Centre for Languages and Literature) has been a awarded a grant from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) for the…

Teckenspråkstalande avatarer på scen
Sveriges Radio har uppmärksammat samarbetet mellan Humanistlaboratoriet och Riksteatern Crea för skapandet av teckenspråkstalande avatarer på scen.

A new grant to the Lab
New grant from Lund University Research Board.

"Våga vara nybörjare"
Johan Mårtensson i programmet "Kropp och själ", Sveriges Radio P1